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Exclusive Cream of Kentucky "Extra Cream"

Mon, Aug 15, 22
Cream of Kentucky

Exclusive Cream of Kentucky “Extra Cream”

Exclusive Cream of Kentucky 11.5 Loch & K(e)y selection “Extra Cream” signed by Jim Rutledge. $139.99. (limit 1 per customer)

This is the first batch 11.5 that wasn’t bottled at the same time as the rest due to bottle supply issues. As a result, the marrying time was greatly extended in addition to an extra trip to neutral storage and back to bottling line. Only 120 bottles exist.

Also! Bottle purchasers are invited to join us for a very special Zoom virtual tasting event with Jim Rutledge. The virtual tasting will take place Wednesday, September 9 at 7 PM. Details on how to join will be sent by email after your purchase of this exclusive bottle. It goes without saying, but this is a can’t miss event!

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