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Screwpull Corkscrew

Mon, Aug 15, 22

Screwpull Corkscrew

Tina Messina of WineConneXtion has been in the wine business for many years but still worries about  “… sitting there in front of your guests trying to open a bottle of wine and you can’t open the bottle of wine.” Her solution is a screwpull corkscrew, one of a group of corkscrews known as twist corkscrews. The screwpull is simple, easy to use, and very low-tech. It is also the number two best selling corkscrew on Amazon.com, which probably says something about how easy it is.

How does it work? The screwpull has two parts, a guide that fits on top of the bottle and a corkscrew with a handle on top. As the handle is turned into the cork through the top of the guide, the self-pulling action removes the cork from the bottle. After the cork is completely free, just remove the guide and twist the cork off of the screw. Messina suggests that you always take off the foil that covers the cork on the top of the bottle.

Click here to see the video from The Taste of the Trib.

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